Големобучински манастир"Възнесение Господне"

Ортодоксално име:
Възнесение Господне
Близки манастири:
Дивотински манастир; Владайски манастир
Местоположение на манастира:
Манастира е разположение подножието на Люлин на около 30км западно от град София.
До манастира се стига най бързо като се поеме по високоскоростна магистрала Е871 за гр.Перник.От източният кв.Мошино на гр.Перник се поема на север за с.Големо бучино като не се влиза в самото село а се продължава на северозапад понеже манастира е сгушен в полите на планина Люлин и до него се ходи по планинска пътека.Манастира се намира точно посредата между двете села Люлин и Големо бучино
История на манастира:
Основан е през 18в., и е възобновен през 19в.Манастира е съвкупност от еднокорабна и едноапсидна черква с една конха от юг и жилищна сграда.Запазени са останки от антична сграда.
Архитектура и текущо състояние:
В момента манастира е периодично действащ.
Настаняване в манастира:
Храна и спане в Големобучинския манастир не се предлагат.
Miranda Watkins за ?????????????? ????????, 23.01.2025
Read this!!!
I have made millions through lottery spells with the help of Doctor Odunga. I contacted Doctor Odunga through his email: odungaspelltemple@gmail.com to perform a spell for me to win the Powerball Lottery in Florida. After I contacted him, he replied to me and said I should only pay $200 for the spell and I should trust in him. It was hard at first to let my money go but I had to keep faith. I was surprised when he gave me the winning numbers to play the Saturday Powerball Lottery. I bought the ticket and truly speaking, the winning numbers emerged from the Powerball numbers and I was the winner of the lottery. I won $535.4 Million USD as the Powerball Lottery Winner. I am very happy to share this testimony of Doctor Odunga and want you too to meet him at his email: odungaspelltemple@gmail.com OR Whats-app +2348167159012
Arnold Lucas за ?????????????? ????????, 30.12.2024
We are offering Loans / project fundings, to Companies and Individuals with profitable projects in any area of specialization at 2.5% per annum for a duration of 2 to 20 years with a year interest grace period.
We are also direct providers of the following: SBLC / BG /
Also, we pay 1% commission to Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers who introduce project owners for finance or other opportunities. We Loan offers between USD1M to USD1B loan for business owners. Our lenders are well vetted according to European Union financial institutions.
Please advise if you are interested. If not, we will sincerely appreciate any referrals.
You can contact me on
Skype- live:jerrymsjerry
clark за ?????????????? ????????, 13.11.2024
Trebate li hitan zajam kako biste riješili svoje financijske potrebe? Nudimo zajmove u rasponu od 5.000,00 USD do 50.000.000,00 USD. Pouzdani smo, snažni, brzi i dinamični. nudimo zajam od 3%, moja tvrtka se nalazi u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu i SAD-u, prijavite se sada ako vam je potreban zajam: mutolacalo@gmail.com
3% ponuda kredita primijenite sada
mitchel dyck за ?????????????? ????????, 22.10.2024
I'm sharing my experience to you on how I won the lottery, you can win the lottery fast and reliable in wherever you are in the world, Dr Lucas is a God sent, I saw so many testimonials online on how he helped people won different kinds of lottery, I never believed so I had to contact him to be sure if he's real and genuine, to my greatest surprise he helped me won the 70 million Lotto Max Jackpot in Canada, I'm Mitchel Dyck, I regularly buy the lottery tickets whenever I go to fill my truck almost all the time, Dr Lucas told me what I needed to do as he cast my spell which i followed without any mistakes, he gave me the numbers on the 2nd day of the spell and directed me on how to play and I really won with the numbers he gave me, I can't explain all of my experience with Dr Lucas, you can review about my winnings online then give Dr Lucas a try and watch how you will win, Email him on Drlucasspelltemple@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on +234 904 794 3567 You'll never regret contacting Dr Lucas
mitchel dyck за ?????????????? ????????, 22.10.2024
I\'m sharing my experience to you on how I won the lottery, you can win the lottery fast and reliable in wherever you are in the world, Dr Lucas is a God sent, I saw so many testimonials online on how he helped people won different kinds of lottery, I never believed so I had to contact him to be sure if he\'s real and genuine, to my greatest surprise he helped me won the 70 million Lotto Max Jackpot in Canada, I\'m Mitchel Dyck, I regularly buy the lottery tickets whenever I go to fill my truck almost all the time, Dr Lucas told me what I needed to do as he cast my spell which i followed without any mistakes, he gave me the numbers on the 2nd day of the spell and directed me on how to play and I really won with the numbers he gave me, I can\'t explain all of my experience with Dr Lucas, you can review about my winnings online then give Dr Lucas a try and watch how you will win, Email him on Drlucasspelltemple@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on +234 904 794 3567 You\'ll never regret contacting Dr Lucas ..
mitchel dyck за ?????????????? ????????, 22.10.2024
I'm sharing my experience to you on how I won the lottery, you can win the lottery fast and reliable in wherever you are in the world, Dr Lucas is a God sent, I saw so many testimonials online on how he helped people won different kinds of lottery, I never believed so I had to contact him to be sure if he's real and genuine, to my greatest surprise he helped me won the 70 million Lotto Max Jackpot in Canada, I'm Mitchel Dyck, I regularly buy the lottery tickets whenever I go to fill my truck almost all the time, Dr Lucas told me what I needed to do as he cast my spell which i followed without any mistakes, he gave me the numbers on the 2nd day of the spell and directed me on how to play and I really won with the numbers he gave me, I can't explain all of my experience with Dr Lucas, you can review about my winnings online then give Dr Lucas a try and watch how you will win, Email him on Drlucasspelltemple@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on +234 904 794 3567 You'll never regret contacting Dr Lucas
Maria за ?????????????? ????????, 10.10.2024
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?????: promfinances@gmail.com
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???????? ?? ? ??? ?? ?????? ???????????: promfinances@gmail.com
Jan Horvath за ?????????????? ????????, 15.09.2024
SOUKROMÁ A RYCHLÁ PŮJČKA PRO KAŽDÉHO Zdravím všechny, Rychlá a spolehlivá půjčka Potřebujete spolehlivou a rychlou půjčku z následujícího důvodu? Osobní půjčka? Investiční úvěr, úvěr na zlepšení bydlení, hypotéka, charitativní úvěr, úvěr na konsolidaci dluhu, komerční úvěr, úvěr na vzdělání, úvěr na auto, úvěr na nemovitost. Nabízíme půjčky od 50 000 Kč do 90 000 000 Kč s nízkou úrokovou sazbou 2 % ročně. Kontaktujte nás ještě dnes s jakýmkoli finančním účelem a sdělte nám částku, kterou potřebujete. e-mail: horvathjan988@gmail.com
Agnes Flora за ?????????????? ????????, 14.09.2024
Nisam mogao vjerovati u internetski zajam dok ga nisam potvrdio i bio sam vrlo sretan kada sam ga dobio od gospodina Paula, svi vi koji trebate zajam trebali biste se obratiti gospodinu Paulu da vam pomogne. Radim 2 godine kao frizer i nisam mogao imati novca da nastavim svoj posao pa sam pokušao pronaći pravu tvrtku koja mi može pomoći s kreditom i tada sam vidio ljude koji su svjedočili o gospodinu Paulu koji su pomogao im da dobiju zajam pa sam kontaktirao i gospodina Paula i on mi je pomogao s zajmom koji sam tražio u iznosu od 30.000,00 eura. Njegova e-pošta ovdje:paulisagoodloangive11@gmail.com
Radek Novotny за ?????????????? ????????, 06.09.2024
Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!!
Dobrý den, Potřebujete půjčku s nízkou úrokovou sazbou 2%? Byla vám banka odepřena půjčka, protože nemáte žádné zajištění nebo špatný úvěr? Potřebujete půjčku k zahájení svého osobního podnikání? Jste unaveni z bankovního stresu? Pokud potřebujete další finanční prostředky na dlouhodobé a krátkodobé půjčky od 5 000 Kč do 80 000 000 Kč, pak jste na správném místě kontaktujte nás na e-mailu: Radeknovotny777@gmail.com
Radek Novotny за ?????????????? ????????, 06.09.2024
Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!! Nabídka půjčky!!!
Dobrý den, Potřebujete půjčku s nízkou úrokovou sazbou 2%? Byla vám banka odepřena půjčka, protože nemáte žádné zajištění nebo špatný úvěr? Potřebujete půjčku k zahájení svého osobního podnikání? Jste unaveni z bankovního stresu? Pokud potřebujete další finanční prostředky na dlouhodobé a krátkodobé půjčky od 5 000 Kč do 80 000 000 Kč, pak jste na správném místě kontaktujte nás na e-mailu: Radeknovotny777@gmail.com
KOVAC KLIN за ?????????????? ????????, 19.08.2024
Good Day Everyone I bring Good News To You All!
Do you urgently need a loan?
Do you have a bad credit score and you have been rejected by the bank for a loan?
Do you need a business loan?
Do you seek a medical loan?
Do you need a student loan ?
Are you seeking a debt consolidation loan?
Do you need a mortgage loan?
DO you need a home loan today?
Do you need a personal loan ?
Email anshloans@gmail.com to get a fast and reliable loan the same day you applied. Email: anshloans@gmail.com
KOVAC KLIN за ?????????????? ????????, 16.08.2024
Good Day Everyone I bring Good News To You All!
Do you urgently need a loan?
Do you have a bad credit score and you have been rejected by the bank for a loan?
Do you need a business loan?
Do you seek a medical loan?
Do you need a student loan ?
Are you seeking a debt consolidation loan?
Do you need a mortgage loan?
DO you need a home loan today?
Do you need a personal loan ?
Email anshloans@gmail.com to get a fast and reliable loan the same day you applied. Email: anshloans@gmail.com
KOVAC KLIN за ?????????????? ????????, 16.08.2024
Good Day Everyone I bring Good News To You All!
Do you urgently need a loan?
Do you have a bad credit score and you have been rejected by the bank for a loan?
Do you need a business loan?
Do you seek a medical loan?
Do you need a student loan ?
Are you seeking a debt consolidation loan?
Do you need a mortgage loan?
DO you need a home loan today?
Do you need a personal loan ?
Email anshloans@gmail.com to get a fast and reliable loan the same day you applied. Email: anshloans@gmail.com
KOVAC KLIN за ?????????????? ????????, 16.08.2024
Good Day Everyone I bring Good News To You All!
Do you urgently need a loan?
Do you have a bad credit score and you have been rejected by the bank for a loan?
Do you need a business loan?
Do you seek a medical loan?
Do you need a student loan ?
Are you seeking a debt consolidation loan?
Do you need a mortgage loan?
DO you need a home loan today?
Do you need a personal loan ?
Email anshloans@gmail.com to get a fast and reliable loan the same day you applied. Email: anshloans@gmail.com
emily faye за ?????????????? ????????, 11.07.2024
I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 1 years and 8 months, and ever since then I have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until I came across testimonies of Dr. Silver on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr. Silver today on this Email address: drsilverhealingtemple@gmail.com or Whatsapp +2348120513902
Mary за ?????????????? ????????, 22.06.2024
The United Nations spends $158 billion dollars a year towards research in finding a cure for infection & diseases like tremor, anxiety & depression, psoriasis, shingles, eczema, urethra wart, chronic problems. Herpes, Cancer, ALS, Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV, Psoriasis, ulcer, respiratory obstruction. They don’t want a cure because there’s no profit in it for them and the pharmaceutical industry let truth be told please, that’s more reason why I venture into herbal treatment, and I was able to cure myself from diseases that they said were incurable medically .Sometimes you don’t always have to give up on everything you do and let someone else decide your fate .Doctor Sambola herbs are very essential and it has the potential to cure the so-called incurable. His contacts are always active. Check out his email to order sambolaherbal@gmail.com or WhatsApp: +2347011451611
GERARD W за ?????????????? ????????, 07.06.2024
??? ????? ??????? ? ?????????????????? ? ???????? ????????. ?? ?????????? ?? 3 000 ?? 500 000 000 ?????, ???????????? ?????????? ?????????, ?????, ?????????? ???????? ???????? ?????, ???, ??? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ??????????? ??????, ??????????? ? ????????????????? ???????????. ??? ????????? ?????????????? ?????????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ????????? ? ???? ?? ??????????? ?????: (sude32068@gmail.com)
??????????. WhatsApp: +48691506201
????????? ? ????????? ????? ?????? !!!
GERARD W за ?????????????? ????????, 07.06.2024
????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ??????????? ? ???????? ??????????. ??? ?????????? ?? 3 000 ???? ?? 500 000 000 ???? ?? ???? ? ????????? ???????????, ????, ????? ?? ??????? ?? ???????? ?????? ?? ???????, ????, ????? ?? ??????? ?? ?? ????? ???? ??? ?? ???????? ???????? ??????, ??????????? ? ???????? ???????. ?? ?????? ?????????? ??? ???????? ?? ?????????????? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ? ??? ?? ?????: (sude32068@gmail.com)
??????????. whatsapp: +48691506201
???????? ?? ? ?????? ????? ???? !!!
chino vargas за ?????????????? ????????, 25.05.2024
With more than one billion of our products circulating around the world. We offer unique and original high quality counterfeit banknotes. We ship worldwide. Also print and sell Grade A banknotes around the world. This is your chance to be a millionaire. Our money was perfectly reproduced, indiscernable to the eye and to the touch. We ship in various sizes, packaged and hidden. All of our notes carry all holograms and watermarks and pass the light detector test. We will deliver the money directly to your address without the interaction of customs. we have a large quantity ready in stock.
Viber: +35796355404
Telegram...+357 9514 1534
We use the latest technology to produce our banknotes so that they look 100% identical to the real banknote. So this implies that all the security features present in the actual notes are present in the note we make. Our team consists of quality IT technicians from Morocco, USA, Russia, India, Korea and China etc. We offer high quality counterfeit NOTES for all coins.
Why would you buy from us?
Viber: +35796355404
whatsapp: +1 469 278 5363
Our banknotes contain the following security elements that makes them genius and we have the best grade counterfeit in the world, both in euros and dollars and the later invoices of your choice you want. Security features of our tickets below:
Gravure printing
Security thread
View through registry
Special foils / special foil elements
Iridescent stripe / changing colors.
Our banknotes are printed on 20% 80% cotton cellulose paper, which differs substantially from normal paper. By using a special printing technique, various elements of the image on the face of the banknote can be identified by touch. The Counterfeit Currency Detection Guidelines offer a comparison of authentic and counterfeit security features.
- All of our counterfeit invoices / referral notes, pens and machines.
- Can be used in banks but can be used elsewhere as normal money .
- We have the best holograms and duplicators.
EUR - Euro
USD - US Dollar
GBP - Sterling Balance
AUD - Australian Dollar
CAD - Canadian Dollar
AED - Emirati Dirham
ZAR - Rand
CHF - Swiss Franc
MYR - Malaysian Ringgit
NZD - New Zealand Dollar
QAR - Qatari Riyal
Where can I buy fake money ...?
WhatsApp: +1 469 278 5363
Viber: +35796355404
Telegram...+357 9514 1534
Email: worldclasscounterfeit@gmail.com
Anna за ?????????????? ????????, 17.05.2024
Have you been scammed before by any bitcoin platform.. We can help you recovery back your bitcoin without any delay.
For more details contact us at : demirovanna1983@gmail.com
Agnes Flora за ?????????????? ????????, 17.03.2024
? ?? ??? ???????? ? ??????-??????, ???? ?? ?????????? ???, ? ? ??? ????? ???, ????? ??????? ??? ?? ?-?? ????. ????, ???? ????? ??????, ??????? ????????? ? ?-??? ?????, ????? ?? ??? ?????. ? ??????? ???????????? ??? 2 ????, ? ? ???? ?? ???? ?????, ????? ???????? ????? ????????, ??????? ? ????????? ????? ????????? ????????, ??????? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ? ????????, ? ????? ? ?????? ?????, ??????? ????????????????? ? ??????? ????, ? ??????? ???? ????? ?? ???????? ??????, ??????? ? ???? ???????? ? ?-??? ?????, ? ?? ????? ??? ? ????????, ??????? ? ???????? ?? ????? 30 000,00 ????. ??? ??????????? ????? ?????:paulisagoodloangive11@gmail.com
SEVEN EMIRATES INVESTMENT COMPANY за ?????????????? ????????, 15.03.2024
HI, good day
I am a partner with SEVEN EMIRATES INVESTMENT GROUP a Lender and project Loan Pioneers company in Abu Dhabi
I write to inquire if your company needs financial aid/loan for your projects. Our terms do not require physical collateral.
We approve loans at the rate: of 3% Annual interest
lastly, we are offering job opportunities/part-time for those who would like to work as mandate/brokers
for inquiry email us sevenemiratesinvestment@gmail.com
Have a blessed day ahead
Investment & loan consultant,
Email: sevenemiratesinvestment@gmail.com
Agnes Flora за ?????????????? ????????, 27.02.2024
Nisam mogao vjerovati u internetski zajam dok ga nisam potvrdio i bio sam vrlo sretan kada sam ga dobio od gospodina Paula, svi vi koji trebate zajam trebali biste se obratiti gospodinu Paulu da vam pomogne. Radim 2 godine kao frizer i nisam mogao imati novca da nastavim svoj posao pa sam pokušao pronaći pravu tvrtku koja mi može pomoći s kreditom i tada sam vidio ljude koji su svjedočili o gospodinu Paulu koji su pomogao im da dobiju zajam pa sam kontaktirao i gospodina Paula i on mi je pomogao s zajmom koji sam tražio u iznosu od 30.000,00 eura. Njegova e-pošta ovdje:paulisagoodloangive11@gmail.com whatsapp: +1 (781) 294- 3907
Damian Sumiti за ?????????????? ????????, 25.02.2024
I am a private money lender Fast cash offer for you today at just 2% interest rate, both long and short term cash of all amounts and currencies, no collateral required. Apply now for your instant approval and transfer. contact us now (WhatsApp) number +918131851434 sumitihomelend@gmail.com Mr. Damian Sumiti
Denisa за ?????????????? ????????, 16.02.2024
Hello, to help you overcome various financial worries, you don't have to worry about it anymore, we offer financial help to everyone who has debts or wants to start a business and many other projects, for employees, pensioners, entrepreneurs, clients in insolvency. Anyone can get a loan from us. We have capital that offers reliable loans. You will receive the loan immediately after signing the contract. Just send a request by email and you can have the loan on your account in less than thirty minutes. Contact me for more information about my offer by email: denisaleskova958@gmail.com
Ludvik Rudolf за ?????????????? ????????, 14.02.2024
Nabízím vám jediný financní pujcku od prímého investora od 50 000 do 60 000 000 Kc. Tato nabídka platí pro celou Ceskou republiku a pro všechny obcany. Splatnost tohoto úveru muže být stanovena na 240 mesícu s možností predcasného splacení za jakoukoli cenu a bez zvýšení. Vezmete úver v plné výši a zaplatíte své prostredky do 24 hodin. Chcete-li pujcit, napište na adresu: rudolfludvik7@gmail.com
Damian Sumiti за ?????????????? ????????, 12.01.2024
Do you need a loan, Are you in Debts, Did your bank say no, We offer personal loans with a good repayment plan of up to 20 years at 2% interest rate per year. We stand apart from other lenders because we believe in customer service, and we stay with you until you get the results you want. We offer you financial guidance to help improve your business and offer debt solutions with over 10 years experience to clients worldwide Kindly reply to us at (WhatsApp) number +918131851434 sumitihomelend@gmail.com
Mr. Damian Sumiti
CATHERINE за ?????????????? ????????, 14.09.2023
Thanks to EthicsRefinance, I was able to recover a whopping $78,000 worth of bitcoin which had been lost due to a fraudulent investment scheme. Their expert team of analysts and investigators went above and beyond to track down the culprits and retrieve my stolen assets. Not only did they help recover my funds but they also provided me with valuable advice on how to safeguard my assets from future scams. Thanks to EthicsRefinance, I can now sleep peacefully at night knowing that my hard-earned assets are in safe hands. Highly recommended!
you can also contact them via
WHATSAPP:+63 985 495 1759
You can also contact them for the service below
Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer
Bank Transfer
PayPal / Skrill Transfer
Crypto Mining
CashApp Transfer
Bitcoin Loans
Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets
dr james eric за ?????????????? ????????, 22.08.2023
Financing / Credit / Loan
We offer financial loans and investment loans for all individuals who have special business needs. For more information contact us at via email: financialserviceoffer876@gmail.com WhatsApp +918929509036 From 5000 € to 200.000 € From 200.000 € to 50.000.000 €
Submit your inquiry Thank you
James Moi за ?????????????? ????????, 11.05.2023
Goodday everyone, Have you been defrauded by deceptive scammers online? Are you seeking to recover funds you lost to online scammers and bitcoin investors? jamesmckaywizard and his great team of hackers offer all kinds of professional hacking services, kindly contact them today for all your hacking and recovery services today. University grades changing, Bank accounts, Erase criminal records, hack your cheating partner's Facebook, Twitters, Whatsapp, Email accounts, Website crashed, Skype hack Databases, hack Word Press Blogs hack Individual computers hack Control devices remotely hack Burner Number Verified Paypal Accounts. Any social media account. Android & iPhone.. Text message interception, Bitcoin recovery, Binary multiplication Credit score upgrade Track Calls log and Spy Call Recording. Monitoring SMS text messages. Cell phone GPS location racking. Untraceable IP etc. Contact them today via What'sapp: +919863293475 OR EMAIL: jamesmckaywizard@gmail.com
jan ihnatik за ?????????????? ????????, 24.03.2023
?????????, ????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?? ???-?????????? ? ???????? ????????
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???? ??? 3% ?????? ???????, ???????? ?? ? ??? ???? ihjan51@gmail.com
Faith Luke за ?????????????? ????????, 14.03.2023
I go by the Name Faith Luke from Paris, currently residing here in CA Los Angeles, it's been 9 years since i have been working here in the United State as a Nurse, I always like using Instagram to while away time for myself and I came in contact with a guy called jiang on Instagram he's Asian american, the guy was really awesome and he told me he was into broker trading that I could invest little with $5,000 and within a year i will have enough to buy myself a home and a hospital, so i decided to invest but after 8 months I tried to withdraw and i was asked for more and all this while he encouraged me to keep investing and i had already invested 183k USD with him on his broker platform and we started dating so that really makes me confident in him but it was too late to know I have been scammed after he successfully reap me and put me in a debt of $459k. The night I was to take poison and kill myself I came across an article online about jamesmckaywizard on how him and his team have been helping people like myself who have been a victim of scam or online blackmail, i didn't hesitate but took my time to ask about him from those people testifying about him. After which I contacted them firstly, they talked to me and i was calm and he asked me about all the transaction details which i gave them' in less than 48hrs my hope to life was fully restored back i got all the money and interest which i invested and also Mr. Jiang was traced and arrested. I strongly recommend them to anyone in need, this is the right platform for you, you can reach out to them on //jamesmckaywizard@gmail.com or what'sapp +91 98632 93475
SuiteCapitals@gmail.com за ?????????????? ????????, 12.03.2023
Loan Offer Apply Now @ Via Email: IFSCapitalloan@gmail.com
( IFSCapitalloan@gmail.com ) OFFER ALL KIND OF LOANS - APPLY FOR AFFORDABLE LOANS ( IFSCapital@post.com )
Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1%? RMPCapitals@gmail.com ( RMPCapitals@usa.com ) Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Via Email: ( SuiteCapitals@gmail.com ) SuiteCapitals@post.com
Please Fill the Application Form Below: -
Complete Name: -
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Name Of The Site You/Link Hear About Us:
Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1%? CYSCredits@Post.com ( CYSCredits@Asia.com ) Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Via Email: ( ValidusCapital@execs.com ) ValidusCapital@techie.com
SuiteCapitals@gmail.com за ?????????????? ????????, 11.03.2023
Loan Offer Apply Now @ Via Email: IFSCapitalloan@gmail.com
( IFSCapitalloan@gmail.com ) OFFER ALL KIND OF LOANS - APPLY FOR AFFORDABLE LOANS ( IFSCapital@post.com )
Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1%? RMPCapitals@gmail.com ( RMPCapitals@usa.com ) Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Via Email: ( SuiteCapitals@gmail.com ) SuiteCapitals@post.com
Please Fill the Application Form Below: -
Complete Name: -
Loan amount needed: -
Loan Duration: -
Purpose of loan: -
City / Country: -
Telephone: -
Name Of The Site You/Link Hear About Us:
Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1%? CYSCredits@Post.com ( CYSCredits@Asia.com ) Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Via Email: ( ValidusCapital@execs.com ) ValidusCapital@techie.com
Loan Offer Apply Now за ?????????????? ????????, 27.02.2023
Loan Offer Apply Now @ Via Email: IFSCapitalloan@gmail.com
( IFSCapitalloan@gmail.com ) OFFER ALL KIND OF LOANS - APPLY FOR AFFORDABLE LOANS ( IFSCapital@post.com )
Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1%? RMPCapitals@gmail.com ( RMPCapitals@usa.com ) Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Via Email: ( SuiteCapitals@gmail.com ) SuiteCapitals@post.com
Please Fill the Application Form Below: -
Complete Name: -
Loan amount needed: -
Loan Duration: -
Purpose of loan: -
City / Country: -
Telephone: -
Name Of The Site You/Link Hear About Us:
Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1%? CYSCredits@Post.com ( CYSCredits@Asia.com ) Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Via Email: ( ValidusCapital@execs.com ) ValidusCapital@techie.com
Mrs Blexx за ?????????????? ????????, 05.11.2022
Dear Sir /Madam,
Hello , Are you interested to selling one of your kidney for a good amount of {$800.000USD} pls kindly Contact us now on our email: doctorcollins3@gmail.com as we are looking for kidney donor, Very urgently who are group B,group A ,O+ve and 0+ve.
Interested Donor should contact us now.
Best Regards:
Mike Morgan за ?????????????? ????????, 02.11.2022
Do you need a quick long or short term Loan with a relatively low interest rate as low as 3%? We offer business Loan, personal Loan, home Loan, auto Loan, student Loan, debt consolidation Loan etc.. no matter your credit score.
Personal Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
Business Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
Consolidation Loan and many more.
Contact US for more information about Loan offer and we will solve your
financial problem. contact us via email: muthooth.finance@gmail.com
Phone number: +917428831341 (Call/What's app)
frank David за ?????????????? ????????, 02.08.2022
????? ?? ????? ?? ????, ?? ?? ????????? ?????? ??? ?? ??????? ???????? ?? ? ??? ????????? ?? ? ??, ???????? ?? ?: frankdavidloanfirm3@gmail.com WhatsApp +2347032909728
?????? ?? ????
????????? ???????? за ?????????????? ????????, 13.07.2022
?????????, ??????? ?? ? ??? ?????????, ?????? ??? ?????? ?? 17.07 ? ????? ?? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ????????. ????? ?? ??????? ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ??????? ? ???? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???????
frank David за ?????????????? ????????, 21.06.2022
?????? ?? ???? ??????????????? ????
????? ?? ????? ?? ????????? ?????, ?? ?? ????????? ?????? ??? ?? ??????? ???????? ?? ? ??? ????????? ?? ? ??, ???????? ?? ?: frankdavidloanfirm3@gmail.com WhatsApp
DR MARTEN за ?????????????? ????????, 25.05.2022
?????? ?? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ????????? ????
??????? ??? ?? ???
?????? ?????????? ?? ???????? ??????? ?? ?? ????
?????? ????????? ????? ? ?? ?????? ????? ??
???????, ?????? ?? ???????? ? ??? ???? ? ??? ?? ?? ????????? ?????
???? ???? 400 000 ?????? ?? ????? ??????. ?????? ?? ?????? ??????
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?????????????? ? ???????? ???????? ? ??? ???? ?? ?????????? ?
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????????? ?????.
???????? ?? ? ?????, ??????, ???, ????????, ?????
??? ?? ???????????? ?? ???????? ??? ?????????? ?? ???????, ????, ?? ?? ???????
????????? ?? ?? ?? ???????? ? ??? ?? ?????.
?????: martenhospital@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +44 7418 360893
?????????: +1 908 975 9632
? ???-????? ?????????
dr r e за ?????????????? ????????, 17.03.2022
???? ? ????? ???????????? ?? ????????. ???????? ?? ???????????? ?? ????? ? ????????, ????? ????????????, ?? ? ?????? ???? ?? ????????? ?? ?? ?????? ???? ??????? (NARAYANAHEALTHCARE.IN@GMAIL.COM), ?? ?? ????? ??????? ? ???????? ??????? ?? 460 000 USD, ???? ?? ????? ??
???????? ?? ? ?????? ???? ??????, ???? ???? ?? ??????????? ?? ???????????? ?? ??? ???? ?? ????????? ?? ? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ????, ?? ?????? ?? ??????? ?? ??????, ?? ?? ?? ????? ? ??????? ??????? ? ?? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ??????, ???? ?? ???????????? ? ???? ??? ??????? ??????? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ? ???????, ?? ???????? ???? ?? ????????? ?? ?? 460 000 USD ??? ????????? ??????. ?????? ?? ?? ????????? ???? ?? ????????? ??, ?? ?? ??????? ???? ??? ?? ??????
??????, ????????? ?? ?? ???????? ? ?????? ???? ?? ?????: NARAYANAHEALTHCARE.IN@GMAIL.COM
Maria за ?????????????? ????????, 21.02.2022
?? ??? ?? ??????????? ????. ??? ????? ?? ????????? ???? ???????, ?? ?? ???? ????????? ????????? ?? ???? ????????? ????????, ????? ?? ??????? ???????? ?? ??????? ??????? ??. ??? ??????? ??? ????????? ????? ? ???????? ?? ???????????? ??????? ??, ??????? ?? ?? ????? ????? ?? ???????? ?????????, ????? ??????, ???? ? ????????????, ?? ?????? ? ????? ? ???????? ????? ???????? ??????? ??, ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ???????? wintrust ????????? ????????, ????? ???? ?? ??????? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ($10,000) ??? ??????? ?????. ???????? ????? ?? ????????? ?? ?-? ??????, ????? ??????? ???? ???????? ? ?? ??????? ? ?? ??????? ?? ?????? ????? ??. ?????? ????? ?? ????????? ???? ??????, ?? ?? ???????? ?????, ????? ????? ????. ??? ?????? ?? ?? ???????? ? ????? ? ?????????? ?? ?????????? ?? ???? ? ????? ?????? ??????? ? ??-????? ?????? ?? ??????????, ????, ???????? ?? ? (wintrustfinancialcompany@)gmail. com, ?? ????, ??????? ? ????? ???? ????........
??????? ???????? за ?????????????? ????????, 10.02.2022
?? 51 ? ??? ?? ??? ????? ? ?????? ? ???? .????? ?? ????? ??????? ?? ?? ?????????? ?? ?????? ? ????????? ?
Mike Morgan за ?????????????? ????????, 16.01.2022
Do you need a quick long or short term Loan with a relatively low interest rate as low as 3%? We offer business Loan, personal Loan, home Loan, auto Loan, student Loan, debt consolidation Loan etc.. no matter your credit score.
Personal Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
Business Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
Consolidation Loan and many more.
Contact US for more information about Loan offer and we will solve your
financial problem. contact us via email: muthooth.finance@gmail.com
Phone number: +917428831341 (Call/What's app)
Mike Morgan за ?????????????? ????????, 10.01.2022
Do you need a quick long or short term Loan with a relatively low interest rate as low as 3%? We offer business Loan, personal Loan, home Loan, auto Loan, student Loan, debt consolidation Loan etc.. no matter your credit score.
Personal Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
Business Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
Consolidation Loan and many more.
Contact US for more information about Loan offer and we will solve your
financial problem. contact us via email: muthooth.finance@gmail.com
Phone number: +917428831341 (Call/What's app)
Robert Wattles за ?????????????? ????????, 15.12.2021
??????? ?????? ????, ????? ????, ??????? ????, ???? ?? ????, ?????????? ????, ???? ?? ????????????? ?? ?????, ??????????? ????, ?????? ??????? ? ?.?. ... ??? ?? ? ??? ??????? ???? ?? ????? ??? ????????? ??????????? ??? ?????? ???????.
??? ??? ?????? ? ?????? ?????????, ???????????? ????? ?? ????? ? ????????? ???? ??? ????? ? ???????? ????? ?? 2%. ???????????? ?? ??? ???????? ?? ? ???, ?? ?? ????????? ????? ? ??????? ?? 48 ???? ???? ???????.
????? ?? ??????: robertwattles11@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +48732104284
BARYAMA за ?????????????? ????????, 07.12.2021
?ay c?e? ?o?ĸo?a ?ac???? c?e? ?o?ĸo?a ??o?o o???? ?a ?po?a? ???peĸa c? ??a?o?ape??e ?a ?-p ?e?? K?p? o? c?e??a????pa?a ?o????a v?nk?t? ? ?????, ĸo??o ĸy?? ???peĸa ?? ?a $490 000, c??p?e?e ce c ??x ?pe? D????RW?YN??URL@?U?L???.???, ?o?ĸo?a c?? ??a?oc?o?e? ? ?ac????, ?e c?? o? ????ap?? ??r??m? e ?oe?o ??e
DR GEORGE за ?????????????? ????????, 17.11.2021
?????? ?? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ????????? ??????? ???
??????? ?? ?????????? ?? ????????? ??????? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ????????? ????? ? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ???????, ?????? ?? ???????? ? ??? ???? ? ??? ?? ?? ????????? ????? ???? ???? ?? 400 000 ?????? ?? ????? ??????.
?????? ?? ?????? GEORGE ? ??? ???????? ? ??????? ???????. ?????? ??????? ? ?????????????? ? ???????? ????????, ? ???? ???? ?? ?????????? ? ?????????? ? ?????????????? ?? ??????? ? ??? ? ????????? ?????.
???????? ?? ? ?????, ??????, ???, ????????, ?????
??? ?? ???????????? ?? ???????? ??? ?????????? ?? ???????, ????, ?? ?? ????????? ?? ?? ???????? ? ??? ?? ????? ? Whatsapp.
?????: cityhospital7557@gmail.com
? ???-????? ?????????
?????? ?????????? ????????
????? ????? ? ???????? ???? за ?????????????? ????????, 10.11.2021
?????????, ?????? ?????? ?? ???????. ??? ?? ???????? ? ???????, ?????, ??????, ??????????????, ??????, ???, ????????, ???? ??????, ???????? ? ??. ????? ??????. B+ve , O+ve ? A+ve ??? ??????? 600 000 EUROS ?? ?????? ????????? ?????? ?? ???? ??? 19 ??????. ???????????????? ?????? ?? ?? ??????? ? ??? ???? ?????: columbiaasiahospital91@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +22951017647
Whatsapp: +22951017647
Whatsapp: +22951017647
DR MAXWELL за ?????????????? ????????, 05.11.2021
?????? ?? ?? ?????? ??????, ??????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ????????? ???? ?????? ??? ??????? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????????? ?? ????????? ??????? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ????????? ????? ? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ???????, ?????? ?? ???????? ? ??? ???? ? ??? ?? ?? ????????? ????? ???? ???? ?? 500 000 ?????? ?? ????? ??????. ?????? ?? ?????? ??????? ? ??? ???????? ? ??????? ??? ???. ?????? ??????? ? ?????????????? ? ???????? ????????, ? ???? ???? ?? ?????????? ? ?????????? ? ?????????????? ?? ??????? ? ??? ????????? ?????. ???????? ?? ? ?????, ???, ????????, ????????. ??????.
????, ????????? ??, ??? ?? ???????????? ?? ???????? ??? ??????? ?? ?????? ???
Organ's, ????, ?? ?? ????????? ?? ?? ???????? ? ??? ?? ? ?? ?????.
?????: birothhospital@gmail.com
????? ? ????? ?? ????????????: +33751490980
? ???-????? ?????????
?????? ?????????? ????????
?-? ???????
Dr. Robert Williams за ?????????????? ????????, 21.10.2021
?????? ?? ?? ?????? ??????, ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ????????? ????????? ??? ???????? ?? ??????? ??? ??????? ?????????? ?? ????????? ??????? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ????????? ??????????? ? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ???????, ???????? ?? ? ??? ???? ? ??? ?? ?? ????????? ????? 500 000 ?????? ?? ?????????. ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????, ???????? ? ????????? ?? City of Hope. ?????? ??????? ? ?????????????? ? ???, ?????? ? ????? ?????????????????? ??????????? ???????? ????????, ? ???? ???? ?? ?????????? ? ???????? ?????????????? ? ?????????????? ?? ??? ? ?????? ?????. ??? ?? ???????? ? ??????????????? ???? ?? ??? ????????, ???.
????, ????????? ??, ??? ?? ???????????? ?? ???????? ??? ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ???????. ?????, ???? ?? ?? ????????? ?? ?? ???????? ? ??? ?? ?????.
?????: rw688766@gmail.com
????? ?? WhatsApp: +1 (925) 623-2178
?????? ?????????? ????????
? -? ?????? ???????
Dr. Robert Williams за ?????????????? ????????, 14.10.2021
?????? ?? ?? ?????? ??????, ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ????????? ????????? ??? ???????? ?? ??????? ??? ??????? ?????????? ?? ????????? ??????? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ????????? ??????????? ? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ???????, ???????? ?? ? ??? ???? ? ??? ?? ?? ????????? ????? 500 000 ?????? ?? ?????????. ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????, ???????? ??? ? ????. ?????? ??????? ? ?????????????? ? ???????? ????????, ? ???? ???? ?? ?????????? ? ???????? ?????????????? ? ?????????????? ?? ??? ? ?????? ?????. ??? ?? ???????? ? ?????, ???, ????????, ????????. ??????.
????, ????????? ??, ??? ?? ???????????? ?? ???????? ??? ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ???????.
?????, ???? ?? ?? ????????? ?? ?? ???????? ? ??? ?? ?????.
?????: rw688766@gmail.com
?????? ?????????? ????????
? -? ?????? ???????
DR MAXWELL за ?????????????? ????????, 25.08.2021
?????? ?? ?? ?????? ??????, ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ????????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????????? ?? ????????? ??????? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ???????? ???? ? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ???????, ?????? ?? ???????? ? ??? ???? ? ??? ?? ?? ????????? ????? ???? ???? 500 000 ?????? ?? ????? ??????. ?????? ?? ?????? ???????, ???????? ? ??????? ??? ???. ?????? ??????? ? ?????????????? ? ?????????? ????????, ? ???? ???? ?? ?????????? ? ??????? ? ?????????????? ?? ??????? ? ?????????? ?????????? ?????. ??? ?? ???????? ? ?????, ???, ????????, ????????. ??????.
????, ????????? ??, ??? ?? ???????????? ?? ???????? ??? ??????? ?? ?????? ???
????????, ???? ?? ?? ????????? ?? ?? ???????? ? ??? ?? ? ?? ?????.
?????: birothhospital@gmail.com
????? ? ????? ?? ????????????: +33751490980
? ???-????? ?????????
?????? ?????????? ????????
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Midland за ?????????????? ????????, 24.08.2021
Attn: We are direct lenders and into 100% International Project
Financing and we are currently looking for Loan seekers, Loan Brokers
and international projects to finance.
whatsapp: +48732104284
Midland за ?????????????? ????????, 24.08.2021
Attn: ??? ??? ???????? ????????? ? ????????? ? 100% ???????????? ??????
??????????? ? ? ??????? ?????? ????, ??????? ??????, ???????? ???????
? ???????????? ??????? ?? ???????????.
?? ?????? ????????? ?? ???????? ? ??? ?? ????????? ?????: creditmidland@gmail.com
whatsapp: +48732104284
DR GEORGE за ?????????????? ????????, 09.07.2021
?????? ?? ?? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ????????? ??????? ??? ??????? ?? ?????????? ?? ????????? ????????? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ????????? ??????? ? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ???????, ?????? ?? ???????? ? ??? ???? ? ??? ?? ?? ????????? ????? ???? ?? $ 400 000 ?????? ?? ????? ??????. ?????? ?? ?????? ?????? ? ??? ???????? ? ???? ???????. ?????? ??????? ? ?????????????? ? ???????? ????????, ? ???? ???? ?? ?????????? ? ??????? ? ?????????????? ?? ??????? ? ??? ? ?????????? ?????.
???????? ?? ? ?????, ??????, ???, ????????, ?????
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?????: cityhospital7557@gmail.com
????? ?? WhatsApp: +16236665343
? ???-????? ?????????
?????? ?????????? ????????
????? ?????????? за ?????????????? ????????, 14.06.2021
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Пламен за Големобучински манастир, 06.04.2015
Търся сподвижник за манастир в Пернишко. Търси се и дарител за ремонтните работи. 0878-515308
атанас димитров за Големобучински манастир, 02.02.2014
манастирът на снимката е свети николай летни
Евгени за Големобучински манастир, 23.07.2012
Това е Райловски манастир св.Никола!